Deri-Maksan Group, manufacturer of tannery machines, was established in 1988 in Izmir, Turkey. From that time to now its quality and capacity grow up and reached international level. With 30 years’ experience and first day enthusiasm of producing, the company continues to work.

The company has a great role due to its experience while establishing Leather Organized Zones in Turkey, provided machines and building projects to new tanneries. Deri-Maksan differs from its competitors with its team that provides building project, qualified new technologic machines, turnkey tannery projects, know-how training. Therefore, it is not only a machine manufacturer.

Today, 85% of tanneries in Turkey use Deri-Maksan branded machines. Thus, it is accepted that Deri-Maksan is the leader in its sector and this ratio is proof of its quality. However, it is not a well-known company only in Turkey. The company has been exporting 54 countries. The main reasons of its success are providing turnkey tannery projects, establishing and operating the factory, giving the leather processing training to employees of the new factory and giving sales guarantee of leathers manufactured by employee of Deri-Maksan in this new tannery.

In the centre of raw skin, Middle Asia, there are seven tanneries established by Deri-Maksan.

The company manufactures 24 types machines with different models and sizes and adds features to its products by following developments in machine industry and needs of tanneries.

Spraying Machine: As known, the most used input is dyes in spraying machines. To calculate and control dye consumption, weighbridge is equipped the machine. In addition to this, diaphragm-dyeing pumps have the system to gain the dyes in pipes. For example, Spraying Machine 340cm has 16 arms and 32 guns and four channels as two dye channels, one polish channel and 1 regain channel. a tannery that uses Deri-Maksan branded Automatic Spraying Machine Ecological Type, can calculate dye cost and decreases harmful effects of wastes to the environment. Moreover, speed controllers are applied into drying cabinets of spraying machine that never used on any spraying machine up to now. With this system, speed of rotation can be controlled according to type of leather. It saves electricity. Two different colours can be sprayed from guns at the same time. Machine works with dry system and has ecological chimney. Special filters on chimney prevent particle out. Below machines are most preferred machines of Deri-Maksan and their specifications.

Toggle machine: Deri-Maksan branded Automatic Toggle Machine has advantages. Instead of two gears, four gears are equipped to bearing system of this machine so the durability has been doubled. The machine is produced from box beams and outer covers are produced from isolated polyester.

Measuring machine: Measuring Machine could measure and print area of leathers as requested as foot square or decimeter square. If requested, barcode system can be added to the machine that has an important role to control and to raise profit of the business. In addition, barcode output can be received. Optionally, company logo and contact details could be printed under leathers as their sizes with thermal papers. Printer provides measuring report every determined number of leather that helps calculating total and average leather area. By installing a programme to Measuring Machine, it is possible to send data of measured leather to main computer of tannery.

Wet blue measuring machine: This machine has the same technical specifications with normal Measuring Machine such as giving barcode printings, stamping size under the leather, preparing total and average sizes.

Wooden drum: Deri-Maksan Company manufactures Wooden Drums for tanneries as requested sizes and requested timbers as African Irako or Pine tree. Timbers are prepared in special roasters. Drums are equipped with chromium for metal parts. It has speed control system and special brake system for discharging easily from chromium sliding cover.

Below machines also are manufactured by Deri-Maksan:

  • Automatic dryer
  • Overhead open conveyor
  • Hydraulic stainless steel mixer
  • Stainless steel mixer
  • Polyester paddler
  • Wool washing machine
  • Wool drying machine.