Schill+Seilacher GmbH have launched SUCCUIR, a new pre-tannage and tannage at this year’s Lineapelle, September 2022 Trade Fair. The product is based on a triose that is derived from vegetable oil waste streams. A White Paper was also launched at the fair which details the technology. The technical team are available to answer any questions and to supply you with the White Paper, directly. Alternatively, the White Paper will be available for download from the website:

The product launched focuses on sustainable chemistry, biodegradability, process versatility, and biogenic chemistry. The talk presented on the 21st September, in two exclusive sessions, highlighted a product that is 100% biogenic (which is of great interest for the automotive sector). Additionally, the sugar tanning method allows a highly biodegradable and renewable tannage, which can be made into any leather article.