Lectra, a leading provider of integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, has released the new, advanced Versalis® LeatherSuite V6.
The new version of the Versalis LeatherSuite software suite enables makers of leather vehicle seating and interiors and leather furnishings to boost productivity, achieve exceptional cut quality and expand data monitoring capabilities.
With Versalis LeatherSuite V6, furniture manufacturers can increase productivity by up to 6%, while automotive suppliers can increase theirs from 8% to 15%.
Versalis LeatherSuite V6 delivers greater precision than ever before for superior leather cutting quality. For that purpose, the new software suite embeds enhanced cutting algorithm addressing latest challenges faced by furniture and automotive customers.
“With this release, Lectra marks a milestone in terms of customer experience and productivity,” states Céline Choussy Bedouet, chief marketing and communications officer, Lectra. “Versalis LeatherSuite V6 is the technology enabler that allows producers of cut leather parts to leverage maximum performance from the Versalis cutting room solution.”