China has increased footwear exports to the European Union by 700% since trade restrictions were dropped at the start of the year according to latest figures released by the European Commission. The average price of a pair of shoes from China dropped 28% while in some footwear categories exports to the EU increased 14-fold.

The figures will prompt further calls for Brussels to restrict shoe imports which could lead to the introduction of anti-dumping duties. Italy, one of the hardest hit countries, has complained about Chinese shoe imports to the Commission. Adolfo Urso, a deputy Italian industry minister called on Peter Mandelson, EU trade commissioner, to intervene urgently.

‘It’s a red alert for the import of shoes from China. The situation is dramatic for this vital component of the Made in Italy export sector’, Mr Urso was quoted as saying. If the Chinese export boom continued, one estimate said that Italy could lose up to 40,000 of the 101,000 jobs in the footwear sector.