Bhartiya is already rated gold and silver by the Leather Working Group and has built on this solid environmental foundation to further develop on its concept of “a good company that wants to do better”.
“We worked with Eurofins BLC on this project using their insight into the needs and direction of the market and came up with an augmentation plan for the business. We had already begun the development process but wanted reassurance that we were on the right track and of course third-party validation of our activities,” AV Kishore, COO and head of leather division at Bhartiya International Ltd, said in a press release.
Working with Eurofins BLC, Bhartiya were able to validate their activities in order to create authentic messaging. The validations included reviews of their social auditing process, the management of mould, policies on animal welfare and deforestation, the traceability of material, and the governance processes. These are all in addition to the in-depth assessment that is the Leather Working Group audit which covers operating permits, water and energy metrics and targets, liquid and solid waste discharges, RSL, MRSL and Chrome VI management, health and safety, VOC emissions, environmental management systems and more.