If you have recently completed or will shortly be completing research studies relevant to hide preservation, hide and leather defects, leather manufacturing technology, new product development, tannery equipment development, leather properties and specifications, tannery environmental management, or other related subjects, you are encouraged to present the results of this research at the Association’s annual meeting.  
Abstracts should be submitted to the chair of the technical program:
Stephen S. Yanek, c/o Seton Company, 30445 Northwestern Highway., Suite 255
Farmington Hills, MI 48334 or via e-mail:steve.yanek@setonco.com
Each abstract should begin with the title in capital letters, followed by the authors’ names.

The name of the speaker should be denoted by an asterisk, and contact information should be provided (including an e-mail address). The abstract should be no longer than 300 words and preferably supplied as a Microsoft Word or Adobe *.PDF document.
Manuscripts based on the presentation, in publication-ready form, are expected by May 15, 2008. They should be sent in electronic format (either as an email attachment or on a CD) to:
Robert F. White, Journal Editor, The American Leather Chemists Association, 1314 50th Street, Suite 103, Lubbock, Texas 79412 E-mail: jalcaeditor@prodigy.net Mobile: (616) 540-2469

Presentations at the convention will be limited to 25 minutes. In accordance with the Association Bylaws, papers covering such presentations are to be submitted to the Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association for publication consideration. 
Those papers are not to be published elsewhere, other than in abstract form, without permission of the Journal Editor, Robert F. White.