All articles by Surendra Prasad Peravali

Surendra Prasad Peravali

India’s leather industry: providing employment to the poor

India’s colossal population represents a near-bottomless human resource, but poverty and a lack of education are endemic. Dr Swarna V Kanth and B Kanimozhi of the CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute explain how training is helping ordinary people acquire the skills they need to thrive in the country’s rapidly expanding leather sector.

Bio-fabricated leather

Leather has always had to compete with synthetic substitutes, but a new process that enables the creation of bespoke-grown materials is unlike anything seen before. Leather International speaks to Modern Meadow’s CTO David Williamson about how the market for these alternatives is on the rise.

The Indonesian leather and footwear expo

The 2017 edition of the Indonesian international exhibition on leather and footwear products, machinery and manufacturing technology, known as Indo Leather & Footwear Expo (ILF), took place at the JIExpo Kemayoran centre on 18–20 May. Leather International reports from a steamy Jakarta.

New York leather trends for autumn/winter

Two marquee events in the leather show calendar descend on New York this summer. Leather International looks forward to getting a preview of the autumn/winter trends at Première Vision and Lineapelle.

‘Future forward’ in Spanish leather technology

Stahl recently opened the doors to a new Center of Excellence outside Barcelona. The facility is the latest component of the group’s continuing commitment to a sustainable chemical supply chain, as Ross Davies reports from Catalonia.

TFL’s new leather trends in colour

TFL’s new colour trend catalogue for autumn/winter 2018–19 reveals the latest trends for leather garments, footwear, accessories and upholstery, dividing them into ‘wearing’ and ‘living’. Leather International gets a glimpse of what’s going to be hot in the cooler seasons.

Factors affecting global leather

A premium final product requires top-notch raw materials, but a market in a state of flux has made for an uncertain and occasionally fractious relationship between slaughterhouses and tanneries over the past year. Andrea Guolo investigates the economic forces currently at work on the global leather industry.

The evolving European leather industry

Cotance and IndustriAll Trade Union’s final ‘Leather is my Job’ conference took place in June in the heartland of the Spanish tanning industry. Leather International reports on the themes and issues discussed.