All articles by Schattopadhaya


A new approach

In this issue, Andrea Guolo focuses on the Cotance General Assembly, which took place on 29 May. Andreas Kindermann, CEO of Austria’s Wollsdorf Leder tannery, talks to him regarding his new position as president and the pressing responsibilities it comes with.

Talk of pickle-free tanning in Germany: Reducing chrome tanning

Ahead of the 7th Freiberg Leather Days, Julian Osgood of ATC Tannery Chemicals discusses his keynote on reducing chrome tanning.

Don Ohsman’s view from the US

The long decline in US hide prices continued in May. Heavy native steers, the selection with the best demand ‘only’ fell $3, or 5%. By comparison, Texas steer prices, on seasonal weights went from $49 down to $41–42, or nearly 20%. Butt-branded steers traded at $52–53 during the last week of May and closed the month at $49. Colorados, in general, sold on a par with Texas. Prices went from a high of $46 down to $41 as June began, or a decline of 20%.

Finding an equilibrium: high end fashion with crocodile skins

The allure of crocodile and alligator skins for high-end fashion items never seems to decline. Over the years, the leather industry has played an increasingly important role in conservation, working alongside biologists and researchers to get the numbers up. Jim Banks examines the success of these efforts for farmed animals and the sustainable advantages of using wild skins.

Each step, a big leap: Portuguese footwear industry

This month, the UITIC Congress returned to Porto for the first time in more than two decades. With the Portuguese footwear industry posting record high exports in 2017, there was a distinct air of confidence in the host city, as Ross Davies reports.

Search for sustainability: Brazilian Couros’ cleaning act

An industry that has been criticised for chemical pollution, environmental damage and poor working conditions has made great strides in becoming cleaner and more efficient. One company that is helping to set higher standards is Brazil’s JBS Couros. Fernando Bellese, head of marketing and sustainability at the company, explains how the industry has cleaned up its act.

Cold comfort: shifting from leather footwear to synthetic

The leather industry for footwear is in a historical crisis as consumers shift towards a new trend for casual, comfortable trainers that depend on synthetic materials. Andrea Guolo examines how this shift occurred.

Asian aspiration: Jakarta’s ILF Expo

Leather International visited the Indo Leather & Footwear Expo (ILF) which was held in Jakarta on 3–5 May, and discovered how vital the exhibition is to the country and the South East Asian region overall.

Don Ohsman’s view from the US

US hide prices continued to decline since our last report. Butt-branded steers that were at $62.50–63.50 at the time sold at $55 in mid-April. Branded/ Colorado steers went down from $49–50 to $47 as we go to press. Heavy Texas dropped from $52 to $54 in mid-March to $47–$48 during the third week of April. The steer selection that fared best was heavy native steers. Prices fell between March and late April from $64–65 to $53.50 and $54.

Restoring balance: quality tanning discussions at Lineapelle

At the most recent edition of Lineapelle, hide quality was a consistent topic of concern, with many tanners trying to figure out their next moves. Andrea Guolo explores responses to this issue, the reasons behind these quality variations and how they may be remedied.