All articles by Ky Nikitha

Ky Nikitha

Move with the times

Première Vision New York is moving venue to the heart of Manhattan’s garment district in January 2020, reflecting its commitment to change and growth, and leather will remain an integral part of the event as the industry adapts to market fluctuations, trends and geopolitical uncertainty.

A matter of fact

Tanners, chemical companies and designers gathered at the Metropolitan Pavilion, home of Lineapelle New York, on 16 July for the fourth World Leather Congress, where myths and misconceptions about the leather industry’s impact on the environment were addressed.

Shake it up

JD Putshaka, SF Tanko and A Boniface from the Departments of Research and Development, and the department of Environmental Management, at Nigeria’s Institute for Leather and Science Technology present excerpts from their study into solvent precipitation of chromium(III) in tannery effluent.

The gold standard

At the recent XXXV IULTCS Congress in Dresden, Germany, Alvaro Flores, consultor at the Center for the Brazilian Tanning Industry, provided an overview of the Brazilian Leather Certification of Sustainability.

New frontiers

Leather International sits down with Vera Dordick, editor-in-chief of Hidenet, to discuss key issues and events impacting the industry, including promoting leather as an attractive, progressive fashion material, and how innovation can unlock new markets.

Framework for change

Jakov Buljan and Ivan Král of UNIDO present excerpts from the new second edition of the UN Industrial Development Organisation’s ‘Framework for Sustainable Leather Manufacture’.

Boot it up

Lanxess – the German company with a core business of developing, manufacturing and marketing chemical intermediates, additives, speciality chemicals and plastics – has reacted to the demands of the market with a portfolio of new leather chemicals solutions.

View the EU

Multinationals Nike and Adidas continue to produce knockout revenues, but smaller sports footwear brands are beginning to punch above their weight as overall production in Europe declines. Andrea Guolo reports.

50 years strong

Cotance turned 50 in June, and its anniversary celebrations in Paris reflected on both past achievements and future goals, with an emphasis on innovation, cooperation and sustainability.

Renewed optimism

Around 7,000 visitors descended upon the Pro Magno Events Center in the Brazilian city of São Paulo on 4–5 June for the Inspiramais design exhibition, where 180 companies presented 1,000 products and the Buyer Project generated $10.9 million in international business deals.