All articles by j skinner

j skinner

Edinburgh Assembly General unanimously elects Jonathan Muirhead as new COTANCE

The 2014 COTANCE General Meeting took place in Edinburgh on June 20 hosted by the UK
Leather Federation. 26 delegates from Italy, Spain, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal, Netherlands, Sweden and Romania were in attendance. The encounter took place in the city’s prestigious George Hotel followed by a Gala Dinner in the Royal Castle and concluding in a sumptuous frame two days of intense work and debates on the outlook for the European Leather industry. Indeed, next to the Assembly General, COTANCE also organised the mid-term social dialogue project meeting of the “Leather is my Job!” operation supported by the European Commission, and the kick-off meeting of the EU Pilot on Leather focussed on the development of the Product Category Rules for the Environmental Footprint of Leather.

Go Brazilian

Brazil boasts the world’s largest commercial cattle herd, and, as the second-largest leather producer and exporter, the industry market leader is showcasing its strengths globally. For the unenlightened, Sam Setter’s latest Limeblast highlights a sorely needed South American education for the leather industry.

Consumer Corner – Common Knowledge

Leather International combs the aisles of APLF and beyond in Hong Kong for this month’s instalment to ask leather aficionados about their allegiance to leather, and where the boundaries might lie.

The spotlight falls on supply chain security, Kering Group

Behind some of the world’s most famous luxury goods brands lies Kering Group. In recent years, the company has embarked on a process of transformation that has placed more emphasis on the sourcing of raw materials, of which one of the most important is leather. Leather International spoke with chief finance officer Jean-Marc Duplaix about the process of change and its impact on the supply chain.

The sweet spot

Following her shows at London Fashion Week during late 2013, Leather International spoke with Budapest-based fashion designer Napsugár about her relationship with leather and how it’s incorporated in her collections.

Stahl revamps management team

Netherlands-based chemical specialists Stahl announced it has renewed its management team, which reflects the expansion of its business. Due to its recent acquisition of Clariant’s Leather Services Business, Stahl, known for its leather products and performance coatings, now services the entire leather processing chain.

Pressure put on tanneries to relocate

The government of Bangladesh is responding to the desire of European buyers of leather products to cease importing goods that are not produced in countries that meet their standards of environmental responsibility by warning factories to speed up their relocation.

Officials face contempt charges over tannery relocation order

The High Court in Bangladesh has issued contempt of court rulings against former and present government officials, including the industries secretary and director general of the Department of Environment (DoE), for failing to comply with its order for the relocation of Hazaribagh tanneries.

Coach’s new baseball-themed collection

Coach’s tradition in luxury leather is steeped in the American psyche—especially in the American pastime. Its original leathers took inspiration from baseball gloves and their particualr properties and qualities.