All articles by Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Argentine tannery Curtiembres Fonseca SA acquired

Argentine tannery Curtiembres Fonseca S. A has been purchased, with the new president of the Board of Directors, Raúl Zylbersztein, who has extensive industry experience confirming will retain the current management team. Founded 70 years ago, Fonseca is one of the largest tanneries in Argentina. Most of its production is exported to the US, Asia, and Europe.

Industry responds to inaccurate reporting

The UK leather industry has responded forcefully to an incorrect claim about leather made by the Resurgence & Ecologist Magazine, according to an article for Apparel Insider by Brett Mathews.

The unsustainable truth of vegan ‘leather’

While fashion has recently been in the news for its efforts to be more sustainable and less wasteful, footwear has by and large skated by unnoticed. However, the worrying fact is that footwear pollution is at least as bad as fashion, if not more so.

Protection of the term ‘leather’ introduced in Italy

In a key development in May 2020, the Italian council of ministers approved a decree that protected the term ‘leather’.

Cotance holds delayed elections

Cotance held its delayed 2020 annual general meeting in Vienna on 7 September. Not all delegates were able to attend in person due to Covid-19 restrictions. New elections took place, with Manuel Ríos of Valencia – based at Inpelsa – elected as first vice-president, to take over from Andreas Kindermann when circumstances allow. Philippe Joucla of French small-skin tanner Mégisserie Lauret was elected as vice-president, and former president Rino Mastrotto of the Rino Mastrotto Group in Italy was also elected to the presidential board.

IFM study results puts the spotlight on eco concerns

Results of a recent study conducted by the IFM-Première Vision Chair, led by Gildas Minvielle, head of the IFM (Institut Français de la Mode) Economic Observatory, on post-Covid fashion markets in Europe shines a light on consumer focus of eco-responsibility and local production.

Fashion forward with leather searches on the increase

Lyst has been looking at the emerging trends, comparing the shopping habits of 27 million shoppers over the past three months. There are some pieces of good news, even though the fashion market has struggled for a number of reasons during the coronavirus pandemic so far in 2020.

Aspinal is set to restructure

Aspinal of London has filed for a company voluntary arrangement (CVA), according to Companies that are becoming insolvent in the UK are able to propose such an arrangement, which allows them to appoint an executor to create a proposal for creditors that will seek to find an agreement for paying money owed over a fixed period of time.

Italy declares drop of one third in leather exports for 2020

Italian leather goods association Assopelleterieri said Italy’s exported value for leather in 2020’s first six months was €2.6bn, which is a 33% drop from 2019.