Umberto Cilião Sachelli, director of Apucacouros upholstery and footwear leather tannery, was invested as president of the Brazilian tanning industry association CICB, on September 14. The ceremony was held at the Courovisão fair in Novo Hamburgo.

Taking over the role from Amadeu Pedrosa Fernandes, Sachelli told Leather International that he aims to continue with current CICB programmes in priority areas such as export promotion, taxation and wet-blue.

Members of the directive council of CICB from September 2005 to August 2007: President Umberto Cilião Sacchelli; 1st vice-president Leonardo Swirski; 2nd vice-president Gladston José Dantas Campelo; foreign trade Augusto Sampaio Coelho; corporate management Roberto Mota; raw materials and products Leogenio Luis Alban; strategic management Luis Eduardo Fuga; internal market Paulo Enzweiller; marketing and commercial promotion Arnaldo Frizzo; new technologies Wayner Machado Silva; environment and sustainable development Amadeu Pedrosa Fernandes.