Twenty seven BSLT students from ten countries attended the course which commenced with a presentation from Peter Jessop covering all the basics of modern finishing technology. For most of the week the students were divided into five groups, each of which was given finishing formulations to work with using predetermined samples of automotive, upholstery, garment, split, shoe and leathergoods leathers. In addition there was a hotly contested colour matching competition with a prize for the winner.

This year Stahl arranged for the Leather Finishing Week at the British School of Leather Technology in Northampton to be more extensive than before. It was supervised jointly by Peter Jessop and Wolfgang Schmälzle, both of whom came over specially from Waalwijk. The course was run in close cooperation with senior lecturer Karl Flowers and head of the leather department Paul Richardson.

Most of the students on the course were close relatives of tannery owners and for this reason showed a very positive interest in the training received. One or two were from government institutions and were returning to advisory positions. In both instances, the students’ futures are likely to lie more in management and marketing where the background and practical experience attained in these courses will prove invaluable as they and their companies develop over the coming years.