‘Hot news’ currently is that the forthcoming Leather In Retail conference has signed up Burberry, Adidas, Nike, Timberland, Deloitte and many others to speak. Following the successful footwear leather conference held in March 2006, BLC Leather Technology Centre Ltd and Leather International magazine will co-host another conference at the 2007 Asia Pacific Leather Fair in Hong Kong.

This year the event will focus on a range of issues high on the retail agenda, including sourcing in Asia, brand protection, environmental auditing, restricted substances and leather related transportation problems. Global brands will once again feature strongly at the conference, alongside leading figures from industry, with confirmed speakers from Adidas, Burberry, Deloitte, Next, Nike, Pentland Group and Timberland.

Set to take place on Tuesday March 27, 2007, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC), the conference will once again precede the Asia Pacific Leather Fair (March 28-30). ‘With leather having such a significant presence on the retail high street and the annual trade in leather and footwear expected to exceed US$50 billion, the conference provides an essential meeting point for the leather supply chain from tanner through manufacturing to retail brand’, said Adam Hughes, BLC sales director.

Draft Programme

09.00-09.30 Welcome and registration

Sourcing & Technology

09.30-09.40: Adam Hughes (BLC Leather Technology Centre) – introduction

09.40-10.10: Sponsors presentation – TBC

10.10-10.40: Glynn Roberts (Pentland Group) – anti counterfeiting

10.40-11.10: Daniela Haines (Next Sourcing Ltd – Hong Kong) – effective sourcing in Asia (TBC)

11.10-11.30: Coffee

11.30-12.00: Barry Wood (BLC Leather Technology Centre) – supply chain management

12.00-12.30: Tony Cotterell (Deloitte) – TBC

12.30-13.00: Chris Grayer (Burberry) – supplier not factory (TBC)

13.00-14.00: Networking Lunch

Manufacturing & Environment

14.00-14.25: Vanessa Margolis (Nike Inc) – environmental auditing (leather working group)

14.25-14.55: Dr Victoria Addy (BLC Leather Technology Centre) – the effect of heat and humidity changes on leather during transport

14.55-15.25: Betsy Blaisdell (Timberland Company) – update on AFIRM

15.25-15.45: Coffee

15.45-16.15: Federico Roth (adidas-group) – trends in athletic footwear

16.15-16.45: Mike Parsons (International Council of Tanners) – technical, social and environmental compliance (TBC)

16.45-17.00: Discussion and close

17.00: Networking Cocktail Reception

(TBC) = titles to be confirmed

NOTE: Pentland brands owned or under licence1: Berghaus, Boxfresh, Brasher, Clerk & Teller, Ellesse, KangaROOS, Kickers1, Lacoste1, Medium, Mitre, One True Saxon, Red or Dead, Speedo, Ted Baker1