Following the successful installation of the SFF in Chennai, India, Unido has organised the services of a consultant, a hide and skins expert, to install SFF pilot projects and teach local butchers and flayers to work with the SFF. The first such project was realised in two Kenyan abattoirs, Limuru and Kayole.
With the collaboration of Esalia, who apart from providing day-to-day assistance had selected the abattoirs, the consultant was able to oversee the construction and installation of two locally built SFFs. Limuru abattoir has since produced perfectly machine flayed hides to the satisfaction of both the proprietors and the flayers.
The second SFF works in Kayole. Since the carcases in Kayole are moved on a rail at 4m above the ground, it was necessary to add a platform to the SFF. This made the job for flayers easier as they were able to walk around the carcase while assisting the detachment of the hides with their knifes.
A slightly revised design of the SFF, complete with platform, will be on-line at []