The following submissions have been made for the technical programme at the ALCA convention in June but they may be subject to change.

The preservation of hides and skins by David G Bailey, Bailey Consulting, John Arthur Wilson Memorial Lecturer.

Industrial restructuring, globalisation and environmental pressure in the leather and footwear commodity chain in Leon, Mexico, by Raul Pacheco and Hadi Dowlatabadi, The University of British Columbia, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability and the Liu Centre for the Study of Global Issues, Vancouver, Canada.

New advances in tannery logistics and automation by Walter Hottinger, Leather Tech GmbH, Switzerland.

Hybrid extracts from chestnut, tara and 4′,4′ dihydroxy-diphenyl-sulphone for the production of light leathers with excellent light and heat by L Tribuzio, E Poles, C Resio, S Giovando and R Pareto, Silva Chimica SR, Italy.

Pickle-free chrome tannage by Adel Hanna, Elementis LTP USA.

Preparation and characterisation of products for potential application in leather processing by M M Taylor, W N Marmer and E M Brown, USDA Eastern Regional Research Center.

Sulfide free unhairing R L Dudley and W N Marmer, ERRC.

Estimation of the sulfated glycosaminoglycan content of bovine skin with alcian blue by S M Mozersky, R J Wildermuth and W N Marmer, ERRC.

Application of tocopherol to improve the durability of leather by C K Liu and N P Latona, ERRC.

Wet-white technology – a status report by Jens Fennen, TFL Leather Technology Ltd, Switzerland.

The physico-chemical principles of water-based degreasing of animal skins Gunther R Pabst, Philippe Lamalle, BASF Germany, Reinhard Strey, Thomas Sottmann, and Sandra Engelskirchen, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Cologne.

Polymeric binders in finishing – an overview considering the NMP-situation in pu binders by Wolfgang Wenzel, Bayer Chemicals, Germany.

Studies on semi-metal tanning by G S Lampard, Polygon Media Ltd, UK, and A D Covington, BLC Leathersellers Research Centre.

Diffusion and thermodynamic behaviour of insect repellant and suntan lotion in automotive leather coatings by L J Burcham, TLF USA/Canada Inc.

Crosslinking potential of the C-terminal telopeptides of bovine type I collagen E M Brown, ERRC.

Tannery wastes digestion by strain of bacillus SP by M Faid, Faculte des Sciences Ben M’sik Universite Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco, I Zerdani and Malki, Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Rabat-Institute, Morocco.

Use of collagen dispersions in coating technologies by Ashish U Mehta, G J Maffia, Department of Chemical Engineering, Widener University, Chester, PA, and Sam Speer, Catalyx Technologies Inc.

How much CR (VI) is formed during extraction of leather for CR (VI) estimation? by Dipankar Chaudhuri, Ratna Chakraborty, Central Leather Research Institute, India, and Pinaki Bhattacharya, Department of Chemical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata,

Measurement of bacterial populations through traditional and new approaches in typical tannery soak solutions by Ravindran Rangarajan, Dean T Didato and Steve Bryant, Buckman Laboratories.

The shielding effect of NANO TiO2 on collagen under UV radiation by H Li, H L Chen, B L Liu, L Z Gao, Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Development of a leather-clad ballistic fabric composite by L Shastri, S S Ramkumar, The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University, D C Shelly, Leather Research Institute, Texas Tech University, and R W Tock, Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas Tech University.

Measurement of cattle management, nutrition, breed and source factors that reduce hide quality by C R Richardson, M A Bonds, W T Wright, G A Nunnery, Department of Animal and Food Science, Texas Tech University, and D C Shelly, Leather Research Institute, Texas Tech University.

An approach to recycling scrap white athletic leather by D C Shelly, Leather Research Institute, Texas Tech University, K Kolomaznik, Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University, Zlin, The Czech Republic, and N V Phuoc, Environment Department, University of Technology of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.