Olcina have been in business for 125 years this year and the company are still controlled by the Olcina family. At Tanning Tech this year, the company presented a refined version of their Total Explorer wireless control system. In addition, they also extended their range of successful Cangilones drum lines.

Total Explorer, Olcina’s wireless rotary coupling control, was first launched at Tanning Tech in 2002 (see Leather International, February 2003, page 44). This year they highlighted the ‘true positioning control’. Software has been designed so that complex washing and draining cycles may be performed automatically.

The drum valves can been programmed to open during the draining operation or open in the upright position to allow multiple decompression or degassing while the drum is rotating. In other circumstances opening the valves can also allow a degree of dedusting.

Total Explorer can also control the degree of valve opening. Valves can be opened from 0-25-50-75-100% open or closed. The degree of opening can be monitored on a display screen.

The Cangilones drums for liming and tanning now include drums with the following dimensions: 3.5×3.5m, 3.25×3.25m, 3.25×3.0m and 3.0×3.0m. For their Cangilones retanning and dyeing drums Olcina have added the following models to their range: 3.5×3.5m, 3.25×3.25m, 3.25×3.0m, 3.0×3.0m and 3.0×2.5m.