The Mexican division of Quinn, Quinn Mexico have introduced a water-based polyurethane known as Resatop M461/M201.
It is a water-based product which is able to modify the leather’s feel. The pu based compound is solvent-free, non-toxic and easy to handle. It provides good fullness and excellent rub resistance.
It allows different types of handle and can be designed with different types of glaze or gloss according to the needs of the final leather. It may produce a glossy, semi-mat or silky finish.
Quinn have also introduced a water-based polyurethane gloss known as Thermocoat.
It is made up of a polyurethane resin, which expands to create a film between the leather fibres during the ironing process. With heat, the film fills the cracks in the leather creating an even surface and therefore a better leather selection.
The product composition is made up from acrylics and other ingredients to coat the defects in the leather caused by scratches, brands or diseases suffered by the live animal. It is solvent-free and is aimed at replacing the nitrocellulose.