CEC, Consejo Espanol de Curtidores, who are located in Barcelona and FECUR, located in Valencia, have created the new Confederation of Spanish Leather Manufacturers CEC-FECUR, with a registered office in Valencia and management and secretariat in Barcelona.
The associated exporters’ associations Acexpiel and Fecurex will merge into one single association named Acexpiel, headquartered in Barcelona.
The new confederation will unite the majority of Spanish tanneries. The negotiations for the merger of both national associations started in July 2000 and a series of meetings between representatives of both associations have been held during the year.
The discussions were focused in creating a new confederation including both associations, as a first step to reach a unique association later. Both organisations CEC and FECUR will continue operating and will gradually transfer areas of responsibility to the new confederation, retaining only regional or local issues.
The presidency will be shared until the end of the year by the actual presidents of CEC and FECUR. During the first semester of 2002 the presidency will be hosted by Manuel Rios snr and the second semester by Jacint Codina.
From 2003 the president will be elected by the assembly for a three year period according to statutorily regulations. Josep Ballbe, CEC’s general secretary, will be responsible for the general management.
Directors’ meetings will be held alternatively in Barcelona and Valencia. The confederation was generally approved in a joint meeting which took place from June 8-10 in Oliva (Valencia) with strong participation by Spain’s most important tanners.