NBN Automação Industrial are a southern Brazilian company that have been developing, manufacturing and supporting tannery automation equipment and leather area measurement/classification systems for over 15 years, with working machines and systems from Argentina to Canada.
There are two main product families:
1. Tannery automation
All the products listed can be used in a stand-alone way or integrated in the complete tanning control system Smarttan. There is a complete equipment line, with gravimetric and volumetric dosing machines, water mixing and dosing machine, drum controller and recipe development and execution software.
1.1 Water mixer
Temperature controlled drum water dosing system which features fast regulation, remote control units (for operating drum closure), individual temperature and volume settings for each drum. The system serves up to 24 drums and is fully integrated with the control system Smarttan.
1.2 Chemitan mixer
Chemicals dosing scale in stainless steel with 250, 500, 700, 1,000 and 1,500kg capacities and precisions ranging from 50g to 100g. Automatically weighs, mixes and doses up to 24 different liquid chemicals with up to 20 destinies. Solid chemicals can be weighed in a semi-automated way with computer supervision. It features an automatic cleaning cycle and stores up to 480 recipes that can be called up by the operator any time. It is fully integrated with the control system Smarttan.
1.3 Accubatch
Precision dosing scale, intended for colours, enzymes etc. Usually operates while fitted over a Chemitan for interior dosing. Can operate in a stand-alone way also. Features 0.5g precision, doses up to 32 products with up to 24 destinies (with party line) and is fully integrated with the control system Smarttan.
1.4 DAP
Volumetric dosing machine intended for chemicals with lower precision requirements than that sported by dosing scales. Features fast dosing with good precision (0.5-2% depending on meter used). Fully integrated with the control system Smarttan.
1.5 Reciclo
Complete recycled float management for chrome or liming processes. Float storing, filtering and dosing (to the drum) is automatically performed. The machine controls pumps and valves to compensate different flow rates (filter, drum drains etc).
1.6 Restan
Drum controller which operates with the Smarttan SW programme (ST SW). Receives a recipe from the ST SW and executes it at the proper time. Controls the drum position, speed, rotation direction, drains, door, float pH and float temperature. Communicates with other equipment when needed (eg asks the water mixer for water addition when the recipe states). Logs every action – including operator interventions – to the ST SW, where it can be retrieved for auditing. Instructs the operator to take action (eg ‘check touch’) and waits for the action confirmation, effectively supervising the first.
1.7 Smarttan SW
Recipe development and execution programme. Writes recipes in a standard way, checking for ‘project rules’ (eg ‘never add acid without water first’). The developed recipes are scheduled to be executed at a particular drum at a later time (the recipe is then transmitted to the drum controller Restan). The execution process is fully monitored in real time. All the chemicals’ consumption (including water) is logged and transferred to the tannery ERP accounting system. Any events (alarms, errors and operator interventions) are also logged for auditing.
1.8 Smartlab
Recipe development and execution programme optimised for samples. Writes recipes in a standard way, checking for ‘project rules’. The recipes can be executed in an automatic drum (fitted with a Restan) or manually in an unequipped lab drum. There are provisions for technical observations in each recipe run, so the experience gained is not lost. All recipe runs are filed for future reference. After the recipe is ready, it can be directly transferred to the ST SW for full production runs.
2. Leather area measurement and classification
Area measurement and classification products are flexible and modular designed. This means that the basic machine can be fitted only with the functions the end user will effectively use, reducing the cost and the complexity.
This product line ranges from isolated area measuring computers (for installation in through feed sammying machines or retrofitting old machines) to complete measuring/classifying machines. All machines are networkable (through NBNNet) and can be programmed remotely. The tannery ERP system can retrieve the measuring data in real time.
2.1 MD
Entry level measuring computer. Low cost, yet easy to use. Low classification capacity. Maintains up to eight accounts, one for each size, with an individual report for each account. Presents a subset of the MDPlus measuring computer. Intended for smaller operations, or as a back-up machine.
2.2 MDPlus
Mid level measurement computer. Medium classification capacity (size, quality) which maintains up to 22 accounts (for quality or size) with an individual report for each account. Presents a subset of the MDSort measuring computer. This is the workhorse model, suitable for most the operations.
2.3 MDSort
Top level measurement and classification computer. Greatest classification capacity (size, quality, thickness or any mix of the three). Automatically groups classifications (through a fully customer programmable grouping table) to reduce the number of pallets used. Maintains up to 99 accounts with an individual report for each account. Can operate in a ‘simultaneous sides measuring’ way, measuring, sorting and totalling each side in a single operation.
Substitutes traditional solutions in a single machine using a measuring machine, a PC computer with manual data entry, office printer and customer written software. This is the most flexible, powerful measurement, classification and sorting system.
2.4 Infrablue
Wet-blue measuring reflexive optical ruler. Works with any of the three NBN measurement computers. Can be fitted in through feed sammying machines (over a black felt), or on conveyors (belt, continuous or even wire conveyor). Presents a unique ‘self training’ feature. This makes it possible to use black felts for their whole life.
2.5 ROT
Standard transmissive optical ruler which is used in conventional wire conveyor machines (with lamp).
2.6 Conclasse
Classification console. Can be used with MDSort or MDPlus measurement computers. With the MDPlus computer, provides 22 quality classes. With the MDSort, it is possible to make a multidimensional classification scheme, resulting in hundreds of different classes (eg eight qualities x seven suppliers x seven destinies). It also presents accessory data (data that does not actually classify the skin, but is needed for analysis, such as ‘type of defect’).
2.7 Dispret
Big (10cm high), two digit, high intensity, ‘palletising display’. Used to inform the stacking person where to place the measured/classified skin. Compatible with all three NBN measurement computers.
2.8 Thickplus
Thickness measurement equipment. Measures up to eight points. Operates in a stand-alone way or connected with the MDSort measurement computer.
2.9 MDMon
Area measuring computer with supervising and configuring software. Receives the measurements in real time. Can be used as a gateway between the area measurement machines and the tannery ERP system. Can also be used exporting the data into an Excel spreadsheet.
2.10 Complete machines
2.10.1 Enterprise class
Wet-blue measuring/classifying machine. Uses dark belt conveyor (best for wet-blue measuring, spreads it totally), fully stainless steel built, four programmable speeds with classification area illumination. Fitted with MDSort (or MDPlus), Conclasse, Dispret. Standard sizes are 3,200mm (wide) x 5,000mm (long) for entire skins, and 1,800mm x 5,000mm for sides.
2.10.2 Nimitz class
Wet-blue measuring/classifying machine. Uses dark belt conveyor (best for wet-blue measuring, spreads it totally), epoxy painted carbon steel built, four programmable speeds, with classification area illumination. Fitted with MDSort (or MDPlus), Conclasse, Dispret. Standard sizes are 3,200mm (wide) x 5,000mm (long) for entire skins, and 1,800mm x 5,000mm for sides.
2.10.3 Bismark class
Finished leather measurement machine. Uses wires conveyor. Epoxy painted carbon steel built, with stainless steel upper panels, four programmable speed. Fitted with MDPlus or MD. Standard sizes are 3,200mm (wide) x 4,500mm (long) for entire skins, and 1,800mm x 4,500mm for sides.
2.10.4 Columbia class
Low cost finished leather measurement machine. Uses wires conveyor. Epoxy painted carbon steel built, three fixed speeds. Fitted with MD measuring computer. Standard sizes are 3,200mm (wide) x 4,500mm (long) for entire skins, and 1,800mm x 4,500mm for sides.
Hall 33, Stand A41