Tanfor T is a mineral tanning system that produces perfectly white leather for all applications. Tanfor T is based on compounds of aluminum and silicon that are perfectly safe for humans and the environment. Tanfor T is a 2-component system, formulated with natural polycarboxylic acids and organic acids. Due to the mineral character of Tanfor-T, the leather offers a perfect dyeability and high dye affinity, allowing for very bright colours in all leather applications.
Shoes: Because of the high dry shrinkage temperature, Tanfor T leather withstands the high temperature during shoe production. Good for fashion possibilities with white leather as a basis for shoes!
Automotive: Leather produced with Tanfor T meets all the requirements for automotive leather, without volatile components.
Upholstery: Tanfor T meets all requirements set for upholstery leather, and offers a perfect basis to produce high quality, non-allergenic upholstery in all possible colors.
Garment: Very soft leather can be produced for fashion garments, where the whiteness of the Tanfor T intermediate opens up many new possibilities for your fashion-sensitive customers. Also very tough leather, as used for bikers‘ needs, becomes possible. Because of the mineral character, Tanfor T also produces an excellent suede.
Hall 35, stand D14.