More than 280 excellent papers covering the fields of fundamental research, cleaner technology, testing technology and environmentally friendly leather chemicals, have been received. The CLIA would like to remind all concerned that the discount period for registration will expire on June 8, 2009. People who want to take advantage of the favourable earlybird price should register before the due date. In addition, China now has stricter policies for visa applications so registrants are requested to provide the organising committee with detailed information including full name, nationality, passport number, company name, title, visa application place, email, fax, address etc, for issuing their invitation letter as soon as possible. For details of the congress, please log on to the official website at: or
IULTCS global congress update
The upcoming 30th IULTCS global congress will be held in Beijing, China, from October 11-14, 2009, at Beijing International Hotel. The China Leather Leather Industry Association, sponsors of the Beijing Congress, invite colleagues from all over the world to take part and contribute to the event. At present, preparations are going smoothly.