TFL Argentina quality policy can be described as follows:

– continuous improvement of our efficiency in order to fully satisfy the requirements of their customers

– to react flexibly on new market requirements

– to make the whole staff sensitive to safety, environment, cleaning, cleanliness and to respect the legal requirements

TFL’s worldwide Quality Management:

The goal of TFL is to provide their customers with high quality services and products. In order to ensure this goal, TFL‘s policy has established a Quality Management system according to ISO 9001 in all major TFL Group Companies.

The following TFL companies have a valid quality management system based on the ISO 9001 standard:

  • TFL Argentina
  • TFL Brazil
  • TFL China
  • TFL France
  • TFL India
  • TFL Italy

TFL say that this achievement is the result of the entire organisation working together in effectively developing and maintaining their Quality Management System.