The IULTCS Congress will kick off with an open meeting of the joint IUC/IUE/IUF/IUP Commissions. The purpose is to update any members who wish to attend on the progress of the work of the IU Commissions. Members should find this very interesting as it will help them to understand the importance of the work performed by the Commissions in protecting the interests of the leather industry worldwide.

The meeting will be held from 18:30-19:30 on Thursday, March 10, 2005, in the ground floor meeting room of the Palazzo dei Congressi, Piazza Adua, 50123 Florence. The IUC/IUF/IUP Commissions are responsible for providing test methods for the leather industry while the IUE commission is responsible for making recommendations on environmental matters.

The IUC/IUF/IUP Commissions have completed a huge volume of work over the last three to four years and work very closely with the appropriate CEN committees and with ISO (their work is now recognised worldwide and is of great importance to the industry).

On the following day there will be a meeting of the council of delegates (Friday, March 11, at 16:30 hrs) in the main auditorium of the congress centre in Florence.

The website ( has undergone a huge improvement recently and is now very modern and dynamic. They have added, amongst other things, a glossary of leather terms (some 2,000 terms and their definitions), an ‘Events’ page showing events all over the world in which members are involved and a ‘Forum’ for anyone to interchange views, seek help etc.

The mechanics of the improvements to the website have been due entirely to Jaume Cot, working with Bob Johnson at Spindlemedia. The written contents, such as the introduction, the glossary, the table of test methods and, of course, all the minutes of the executive committee and council of delegates meetings have been provided by John Williams, with the commission chairs supplying the minutes for their meetings.

The glossary was borrowed, with permission, from a group of European partners with whom Williams was involved in producing this glossary originally.

IULTCS have also published a number of environmental recommendations on their website and Unido are interested in using these as well.

The work of the IUC/IUF/IUP Commissions is fully documented on the website, with copies of the minutes of the latest meetings. There is also a list of all the test methods with their equivalent CEN and ISO numbers as, in many cases, the texts of the methods are identical.

The congress itself is organised by the host nation and they choose the technical and social programme. At the time of going to press we had not yet received details.