This was the fourth time that Le Cuir A Paris took place within the overall Premiere Vision Pluriel event, enabling it to benefit from the synergy with other trade shows. In all 10,107 visitors registered, 66% of which were from abroad, representing an almost 2% increase compared with February 2006.

A strong presence of buyers from USA and other Northern countries was noted by exhibitors such as Rompa Leder (The Netherlands) and Jaeger (France), amongst others. The first day at Premiere Vision was no longer exclusively reserved for pre-registered buyers, so visitors could access all the fairs without restriction during the four days of the event. So for Le Cuir A Paris, an increase of visitors was noted from the very first day of the show.

‘We have felt that the first day was better than usual. We have seen several German and British visitors who come with a precise idea of what they want. They are less concerned about the price’ (Sabine Charvet, France).

The companies participating for the first time in Le Cuir A Paris said they experienced a good business climate. ‘We have met old clients with whom we will start collaborating again but we have also met new contacts coming from the leather goods and shoe sectors’ Borge Garveri (Norway). Altinok (Turkey) and Panfur (Finland) developed many new contacts and are also very satisfied with their first participation.

The usual exhibitors also share this positive feedback. For instance, the Italian companies Conceria Onda Verde, Faeda Spa, Giovanni Crespi Spa, Gruppo Conceria Vecchia Toscana, Nuova Conceria Chiorino and Tessitura Oreste Mariani Spa, grouped together in the same stand, affirm having made their best show since the launch of Le Cuir A Paris in 2001.

Visitors, they are now accustomed to having the leather supply within Premiere Vision Pluriel and this gives them the opportunity to explore new possibilities. ‘Le Cuir A Paris is a must because it enables us to see all our suppliers in one single day and this very early in the season. It is an essential complement to Premiere Vision and Mod’Amont since these three fairs group together the components to make a bag’ Sophie Delafontaine, artistic director for Longchamp, France.

The dates and human-size of Le Cuir A Paris are also appreciated. It’s a show where ‘we can take our time to work with our supplier, a place that fosters the discovery of novelties. The dates are perfect for the collections’ calendars’, states Elisabeth Guers Neyraud, shoe and leather goods designer for Jimmy Choo, England.

Considered as an indispensable tool for creation, the importance of the Trends Gallery is expressed by Angelo Covelli, shoes designer for Valleverde, Italy: ‘The changes from one season to the other occur increasingly faster and Le Cuir A Paris enables us not only to have a good glance at the trends but also to understand them quickly – this is vital for a designer.’

This February’s edition presented the summer 2008 trends. (see p33 this edition).

Next edition of Le Cuir A Paris: September 18-21, 2007, Hall 4, Paris Nord Villepinte.