MB Crawford from Hilltown Hide has written very elegant words about Italians in your January issue. But he also laid two wrong claims.

He states: ‘On the second day the first special train from the fair to Florence did not appear at all.’ However, 423 people caught that train! Where was he?

Nobody among 4,000 travellers have reported being ‘packed in the bus to the main train station from the fair.’ In what condition was he?

He really exaggerates when he says: ‘Visitors have to find hotels up to 70 miles away.’ Bologna city and its surrounding area of 30 miles lodges 85% of our visitors.

Having restored the truth, we would like to thank Mr Crawford for visiting and appreciating the Lineapelle fair. We understand the troubles of people crowding into Lineapelle and try to solve them. Any criticism for improving our services is accepted, if founded.

S Mercogliano

on behalf of Lineapelle