Fenice have introduced a number of leather finishing products and dyestuffs, including a new range of pigments and dyestuffs, a polyurethane dispersion for pull-up leathers and a matt fixing agent. Their technical specifications are as follows:

CX Series: A range of premetallised dyestuffs in an organic solution that are soluble in both water and solvent (in any proportion) except for CX 740. This dye is black and can only be diluted in water. CX colours can be sprayed as supplied or diluted with water or ethylglycol or incorporated into lacquers to add colour.

The CX Series are compatible with all anionic auxiliaries used in leather finishing and an increase in pH normally leads to greater brightness and solubility. It is preferable to use volatile alkalis for this purpose. These are flammable products with a six-month shelf life. They should be stored between 5 and 40°C.

Colours include green, lemon yellow, two types of black, olive, yellow, orange, brown, red, Bordeaux, navy blue, sky blue, deep black, medium brown and dark brown.

Plus Pigments Series: A number of pastes in the form of water dispersions of organic and inorganic pigments. They are available in several colours and have a high colouring power and are prepared in very fine dispersions. They are easily mixed in water and are compatible with Fenice’s cationic finishing auxiliaries and other cationic finishes. See attached table.

This product should be stored between 5-40°C and has a storage life of six months.

Aquagrade 41: A combination of aliphatic polyurethanes and dulling agents in a water dispersion. It is a solvent-free matt fixing agent aimed at manufacturers of upholstery leather.

It has excellent flow out allowing for a uniform degree of matt finish. It is not repolishable, has good wet and dry rubfastness and gives a slightly rubbery feel to the leather.

The milky fluid has a dry content of approximately 15%, a density of 1.01g/cm3 and the pH of a 10% solution is 8.0 (+-0.05). In a ready-to-use form, it can be effectively crosslinked with CT13, CT85 or CT7.

Aquagrade 41 has a six-month storage life and should be stored between 5-40°C.

Sunset: A modified aliphatic polyurethane in a water dispersion. It has been formulated for producing pull-up effects on pigmented leather, when mixed with aniline dyes of the CX range.

Sunset can be embossed and milled to produce a darkening effect on the tips and it gives the leather a warm and natural feel. It produces a matt and medium soft film. The colour of the pull-up depends on the colour of the dye used, and not on the colour of the base coat, which should be of a lighter or a darker shade so that colour matching will be easier.

Sunset is solvent free. It should be applied at room temperature, and diluted with water if desired. Fenice recommend that aniline dyes should be prediluted with water before being added to the Sunset product. The yellowish viscous liquid may be applied by rollercoater or by spray finishing. It has a dry content of 25% +-2 and a density of 1.02g/cm3. The pH of a 1:10 solution is 8.0 +-0.05.