The Bureau de Style Chaussure Maroquinerie Cuir have released their Colour and Materials Folder for summer 2007. The folder gives an in-depth analysis of the main consumer influences and presents a preview of the main ready-to-wear trends, colours and materials for the season, before the trade fairs begin.
It is a prospective tool, brought out very early in the season to meet the manufacturers’ new needs and schedules.
The folder contains:
The spirit of the season – an invitation to fling open our windows and take in the mood of the times
Sociological and consumer attitudes – the Bureau de Style puts the accent on nine social and fashion phenomena which lead to new patterns of thought and consumer behaviour: Style de vie — BCBG, on en parle; Les hommes sont de retour; Camping chic; A la mode: Tendance sport; La folie vintage; L’empire des sens; Désir de noir; Marketing de niche: Superdog; Soft sex.
Ready-to-wear trends – four major fashion trends for men women and children that will have repercussions on accessories: PLAGES DU NORD, SPORT ATTITUDE, PROFESSION REPORTER, EXPERIMENTAL ROCK
Recommended materials and colours – suggestions for colour harmonies and a range of leather colours. Four moods are recommended, reflecting the colours, materials, textures and surface effects for the next season: FRAÎCHEUR SCIENTIFIQUE, JARDIN EXTRAORDINAIRE, REFLETS DU NORD, VOYAGE D’ÉTÉ
Zoom on materials
Nature in all its splendour – an extraordinary bestiary, the depths of the sea, skeletons of fossils. Shapes and materials are powerfully influenced by strange beasts and their anatomy.
And as usual: useful addresses divided by themes and Bureau de Style’s comments on the latest shops, places and fashion trends.
The colours and materials folder is available at the price of €646 including tax.
The price includes the definitive colour range which will be despatched as soon as it is released.