Following on from the Footwear and Glove Trend Books, Bureau de Style has produced a leathergoods version which is geared to the specific needs of this sector. Picking up the mood of the times and the main fashion trends for the coming season, it is a useful tool for designers, full of imaginative ideas that they can take hold of and develop as they please.

In this edition, you will find four fashion themes: Cheeky Dandy, Joy, Road Movie and Self Protection. Each theme is centred on a double page spread which sets the tone of the theme and presents colour moods and shapes. The second double page is more practical and technical, presenting sketches and the highlights of each fashion trend, teamed up with suggestions for materials and colours.

A list of essentials is also provided; a checklist of the season’s musts. A handy summary of everything you need to remember in terms of shapes, materials and details. A selection of materials and from their materials library complements the suggestions on the product pages.

The Leathergoods Book is available to CIDIC subscribers for €117 including tax and to non-Cidic subscribers for €150 including tax (€38 extra for registered post within EEC).

Sales: Claire Dillon Corneck tel: + 33 1 44 71 71 94; email: dilloncorneck