The leather, footwear, and footwear components industries in Brazil have gained increased influence within the nation's federal government. A support coalition, consisting of members of parliament from various states and political parties, was re-established in Brasilia on August 15. The Parliamentary Front for the Defence of Leather and Footwear has garnered endorsement from industry associations CICB (leather), Abicalçados (footwear), and Assintecal (footwear components).
Among the participating parliamentarians are Lucas Redecker from Rio Grande do Sul, who will serve as the group's president, Otto Filho from Bahia, as vice-president, and Newton Cardoso from Minas Gerais, who will be secretary general.
Upon the launch of the initiative, the three industry associations emphasized that the combined production of leather, footwear, and footwear components contributes approximately $9.75 billion to Brazil's economy and supports over 1.2 million jobs both directly and indirectly. They view the formation of this parliamentary group as a crucial milestone, poised to significantly amplify the contributions of these sectors to Brazil's future growth. Their aim is to enhance production for both domestic consumption and international exports.