Trissino, 14th June 2022 – Wednesday 8th June was a day full of activities inside the Gemata plant in Trissino: indeed the company was the protagonist of two very important events.
In the morning it hosted the "Fabbriche della sostenibilità" tour: recognized as world excellence in the roller finishing sector, Gemata was selected to be one of the fifty Italian companies that have opened the doors of their headquarters to visitors from universities from all over the regions of the peninsula.
An appointment that is part of the Green Week exhibition, the Parma green economy festival that brings together the protagonists who stand out for their green thinking.
The thirty visitors, including university students, Phd students and researchers, visited the offices, the production plant and, finally, the in-hause laboratory where they were able to attend some finishing tests.
The visit was included in a broader tour focused on the tanning industry to allow visitors to better contextualize all the processes and actors involved in the leather sector: in addition to Gemata, the itinerary involved Conceria Montebello, TFL, Dal Maso Group, SICIT and Medio Chiampo.
During the visit, the students were very interested in company management systems and asked several questions on sustainability policies, on the green characteristics of the machines and, finally, on the green technologies in which Gemata intends to invest in the future.
By participating in this event, Gemata has made clear its vocation towards a responsible production approach with even greater clarity: its roller machines have always represented the eco-sustainable alternative to the traditional spray systems for the leather finishing phase.
Today this green DNA is the strategic asset thanks to which Gemata can face the challenges of climate change by proposing itself as an interlocutor and partner to ensure the reduction of environmental impacts in the tanning production process.
Also on June 8th, but in the afternoon, the Trissino-based company was also the protagonist of another project in collaboration with the prestigious British university of Northampton and promoted by the TFL group, one of Gemata's historical partners among chemical companies.
Twenty students from the "Creative Leather Technologies" Institute (ICLT), a center for scientific and technological research and training of the automotive, fashion, footwear and similar industries, visited the Gemata headquarters and were able to witness live some techniques of finishing with roller machines and the innovative release paper system: indeed, the laboratory houses – in a reduced format – the GREENFINISH finishing line with release paper.
Already widely appreciated by many tanneries around the world, this technology has also captivated Northampton university students by proving to be an academic moment of great interest, stimulating their curiosity and fueling numerous questions.
Thanks to this experience, the students were able to discover and deepen their understanding of new leather processing techniques, a sector in which Gemata has always distinguished itself.
The company, world leader in the design and construction of roller machines, has always supported educational projects, also collaborating with other local institutes in the Arzignano district: these activities, as well as participation in the Green Week, are part of the program of Social Responsibility that Gemata has already defined for several years.
A path through which the company can communicate its values and its business model focused on qualitative efficiency, ecology and sustainability towards society and the environment.