The Executive Committee of the IULTCS is pleased to announce the 2020 grants to be awarded to three young scientists, under the age of 35, for research projects in the: Leather Research, Machinery / Equipment and Sustainability to be conducted at a recognized institution in 2020.

This is the sixth year of the grant, and this year IULTCS will provide the monetary sponsorship for a single sum of €1,500 grant to Basic Research; ERRETRE will sponsor the €1,000 grant for Machinery / Equipment and Leather Naturally the €1,000 sponsorship for the Professor Mike Redwood Sustainability/Environmental grant.

Mr Adriano Peruzzi from Erretre remarks: “Our company supports leather education and we strongly believe our sector needs young motivated people to implement innovation and face all new challenges. Erretre is again proud to award one young scientist for the work on a remarkable research project on Machinery/Equipment and for the contribution to the leather industry.”

“Leather Naturally is proud to sponsor the Professor Mike Redwood Sustainability/Environment grant for the next three years” said Egbert Dikkers, Chairperson. “With Leather Naturally’s focus on providing education to designers, brands and consumers, it was a logical step to sponsor this award and honour our founder Professor Mike Redwood.”

Who is quoted as saying: “I wrote my first sustainability report in 1993 and those companies who have embraced the subject positively since then have all benefited from the solid science-based foundation it establishes when fighting competitive materials on environmental grounds.

To pursue sustainability as an ongoing objective stimulates the leather industry to be dynamic and innovative. I am immensely honoured to be named in this grant and hope that it will allow candidates to feel free to challenge the industry with creative and unexpected ideas”.