The aim is to showcase German, Avant-Gardism with an exhibition of ready-to-wear items and leather goods produced by 3rd year students at Esmod Berlin around the theme of “the sculpted body”.
All the German tanneries and textile suppliers for the accessories sector who are present at the show in February or September have given their support to this initiative by sponsoring the  students from the school.
These companies include: Richard Hoffmans, Weinheimer, Gerecke Leder and Jacobs for the leather, Emil Hofmann for fur and Colortex, Fashmo and Stockmayer for textiles.
Around fifty students entered the competition with their designs and their projects, and only the best were chosen to see their designs produced.
Next edition  of Le Cuir A Paris will take place February 12-14, 2013 forming part of the Premiere Vision show.