The CEC represents the Union of National Footwear Federations and Associations within the European Union, and represents for the entire footwear industry.

An important step forward was taken on November 29, when the CEC General Assembly approved its new statutes confirming the broader objectives of the Confederation. From now on, CEC activities will focus not only on promoting the development of an environment in which European manufacturing is successful, but also on reinforcing the competitiveness of the European footwear sector as a whole through the identification and implementation of common initiatives, knowledge – sharing and the participation in projects co-funded by the European Commission.

The CEC will continue assisting their members and their member companies in their commitment to become more competitive and profitable, by lobbying in Europe and by promoting the uniqueness and importance of the European footwear sector. This industry cares not only about creativity and design, but also about health, quality and sustainability issues, and has a record of encouraging skills and specialist training to raise standards (both technical and creative) and create new jobs.

The CEC will be inviting a number of national European federations currently not members, to join the confederation and to work together in order to optimise the benefits from having a strong, central body to represent the modern European footwear industry in a positive and active way.

This is an exciting time for the footwear industry and an exciting chapter in the history of the already highly respected CEC.

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