News – Paris

With Le Cuir A Paris fast approaching we thought it was important to share with you that you can download the mobile App for the fair. This is an excellent way to keep all of the fair information in one place and it includes some great features such as:

  • – Organising your visit
  • – Access and show times
  • – A detailed look at exhibitors
  • – Map of the show
  • – Inspiration areas
  • – Breaking news
  • – Calendar

To download this for free simply follow the link below and follow the easy instructions:

As our readers know Leather International is at the forefront of social media within the leather industry and we are very happy to inform you that the guys at Le Cuir A Paris know the importance of this platform. You can follow the fair on social media through the outlets below:

Facebook –

Pinterest –

Twitter –

You can of course join Leather International on our social media platform through Linkedin where we now have nearly 4,300 members who actively discuss the industry on a daily basis. All of the Le Cuir A Paris groups and the Leather International group are free to join so put forward your opinion today. You can find Leather International on: