THE leather SECTION of BASF’s website has been up and running for over a year. Now, BASF have added a business barometer to the site which is intended to keep users informed about trends in the industry. To have a look go to [] The new service is interactive. Every visitor to the site is encouraged to contribute to ensure that the results are a true representation of the market.

The barometer is said to be easy to participate: simply click on the answers to three straightforward questions:

1. How is the leather business this month?

* Good

* Average

* Poor

2. Comparison with last month?

* Better

* Same

* Worse

3. Expectation for the next three months?

* Improving

* Steady

* Worsening

After clicking on the ‘submit and view results’ button, a new window opens. In this window, averages of all the opinions submitted in the previous 30 days are displayed in clear graphical form. Naturally, contributors to the business barometer remain anonymous.

BASF expect this new service to be of great value to the business of all users of the BASF leather website because it will provide a representative and, most importantly, up-to-date picture of the climate in the worldwide leather market.