The supervisory board of the chemical company LANXESS AG is now complete. The stockholder representatives, Dr Rolf Stomberg, Dr Friedrich Janssen, Dr Jürgen F Kammer, Robert J Koehler, Rainer Laufs, Lutz Lingnau, Prof Ulrich Middelmann and Dr Sieghardt Rometsch, were elected prior to the spin-off of LANXESS from Bayer. Their membership took effect upon the registration of an amendment to the company’s Articles of Association on February 25, 2005.

The employee representatives – appointed by the Local Court of Cologne on March 14, 2005 – are Wolfgang Blossey, Werner Czaplik, Ralf Deitz, Dr Rudolf Fauss, Ulrich Freese, Rainer Hippler, Hans-Jürgen Schicker and Gisela Seidel.

At the constituent meeting of the Supervisory Board held on April 4, 2005, Stomberg was elected as chairman and Deitz as vice chairman. Dr Rolf Stomberg is chairman of the board of directors of Management Consulting Group plc, London, and a member of the supervisory boards of other European companies. Dr Friedrich Janssen has been a member of the executive board of E.ON Ruhrgas AG, Essen, since 1995. Dr Jürgen F Kammer was executive board chairman of Süd-Chemie AG, Munich, until 2004, and subsequently became chairman of that company’s supervisory board.

Robert J Koehler has been chairman of the board of management of SGL Carbon AG, Wiesbaden, since 1992. Rainer Laufs, formerly management board chairman of Deutsche Shell AG, Hamburg, has been a self-employed consultant since the beginning of 2005. Lutz Lignau has been a member of the board of management of Schering AG, Berlin, since 2001. Prof h.c. Dr Ulrich Middelmann has been chairman of the executive board of ThyssenKrupp Steel AG, Duisburg, and at the same time vice chairman of the executive board of ThyssenKrupp AG, Düsseldorf, since 2001. D. Sieghardt Rometsch has been chairman of the Supervisory Board of HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt KGaA, Düsseldorf, since 2004.

Employee representatives: Ralf Deitz has been released from his normal duties since January 1998 to serve as a member of the Bayer AG Works Council, where he looks after health, safety and environment issues. Wolfgang Blossey is vice chairman of the supervisory board of Stora Enso Beteiligungen GmbH and serves as a trade union official at local, district and national level. Werner Czaplik became a member of the supervisory board of Bayer Chemicals AG in 2004 and has been a member of the Bayer AG works council for seven years.

Dr. Rudolf Fauss is chairman of the LANXESS managerial employees’ committee. Ulrich Freese has been vice chairman of the German Mine, Chemical and Power Workers’ Union (IGBCE) since 2004. Rainer Hippler is a member of the Group Works Council of Bayer AG. He is also Chairman of the Works Council and a member of the Supervisory Board of Rhein Chemie Rheinau GmbH, Mannheim. Hans-Jürgen Schicker has been a member of the Bayer AG Works Council since 1981 and is currently responsible for matters relating to LANXESS at the Krefeld-Uerdingen site. Gisela Seidel has been a member of the Bayer AG works council at the Dormagen site for 21 years.