Sisecam initially set out to meet the requirements of Türkiye as regards to glass products. In the 1960s, they turned their attention to exports on the principle that ‘the whole world is our market’ and have taken their place among the leading manufacturers in the world.
The Chemicals Group of Sisecam provide a wide range of production activities and sales ranging from soda and chromium products, the raw materials for glass, glass fibre, unsaturated polyester resins and Vitamin K3.
The chromium chemicals plant within Sisecam Chemicals Group offers a myriad of chemicals for leather, wood preservation and paper industries. With their chromium chemicals production, Sisecam has become one of the leading manufacturers in the world exporting 70% of their output. The group export their products, mainly basic chromium sulfate, to about 50 countries around the world in five continents.
Their basic chromium sulfates go under the trade name Tankrom: 33% basicity BCS is Tankrom AB; self basifying BCS = Tankrom OB and OBM; high basicity BCS Tankrom FS and F24.
Retanning agents: chrome syntan Resintan M and chrome aluminum Alkrom.
Basification agent: Kromofix – magnesium oxide based – sodium bichromate chromic acid.
Sisecam Chemicals Group are a member of ICDA (International Chromium Development Association) and have a Quality Management Certificate (KY-191-03/ KG-95) meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. This is further evidence of the care given to environmentally safe production methodology and Sisecam are a Responsible Care committed company and run a Responsible Care Management System.
In 2005, a joint venture agreement was signed with Cromital SpA of Italy, an important leather chemicals producer in Europe, to increase capacity.
In China, Sisecam operate through their company Sisecam (Shanghai) Trading Co Ltd, located in Shanghai, and their branch office in Guangzhou.
Today, as a result of their specialisation and high quality, Sisecam Chemicals Group can take their place among the leading manufacturers in the world.