Marc Folachier, the new president of IULTCS, attended the ICT meeting held in Hong Kong on March 27, reminding tanners of the close co-operation between the ICT and IULTCS fifty years ago when developing standards. Folaschier wanted to take the opportunity to re-establish links and invite members to the forthcoming congresses. IULTCS members are open to organising economic focused round tables during the next congresses to maximise their impact.

He would like ICT input for work by the IULTCS commission; share a round table in Washington and give framework to leather research as one third of IULTCS members represent research institutions.

Folachier stated that the 2009 IULTCS congress would take place in Beijing. He stated he is very happy about this as the executive committee is convinced of the weight of Asia – it is now so important that the union wishes to open its doors to China.

Payling Basford gave a presentation on the leather industry in China.

Mike Parsons of the UK is the new president of the International Council of Tanners, succeeding Kozo Tokunaga of Japan. Tokunaga was presented with a gift in recognition of his services to the council.

Parsons, former chief executive of the BLC, is now working for Bridge of Weir as their China business manager. Bridge of Weir Leather Company is part of the Scottish Leather Group.