SL Navalhas have launched 3,300mm knives for shaving whole hides and skins. SL are a Brazilian company with a tradition of commitment to quality in every detail of their products.
Located in the city of Novo Hamburgo, which is part of one of the most important leather/footwear centres in the world, SL Navalhas produce replacement knives for leather machinery. The splitting, shaving and fleshing knives go through a rigorous quality control process, whereby utmost care is given to every production phase, to ensure durability, perfect fitting and cutting precision.
With almost 25 years of experience in the market, SL Navalhas have now launched a new size of knife for leather shaving machines. Before this new launch, knives used to be manufactured in sizes ranging from 300mm to 2,400mm.
Now the company produce knives of up to 3,300mm, which make it possible to work with whole hides and skins. These knives can be installed in machines made by the main world manufacturers, such as Mosconi, Flamar, Rizzi and Poletto.
Released during the 30th Fimec (international exhibition for the leather, chemicals, components and machinery for footwear & tanneries) in April 2006, this new product underwent trials and improvements over the course of one year. The new knives are already being used in several tanneries in Brazil and around the world.
A rigorous selection of raw materials and a quality final finish ensure that the company remain abreast of the latest concepts in technological evolution. The release of this new size of knives for leather shaving machines attests to the results of the investments in technology and sophistication.
SL Navalhas fully comply with the requirements of the knife-producing industry, and achieve a higher quality level by combining knowledge and constant innovation with agility and cost effectiveness.