It is being organized by Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Leather Engineering Department, and symposium topics are as follows:
1. Clean Technologies and Innovations in the Leather Industry
2. Treatment Techniques and Technologies
3. Leather Industry, Health and Ecosystem
4. Waste Management
5. Environmental Regulations
6. Quality Control
7. Innovations in Leather Machineries
Environment is one of the main concerns in the world. The protection of environment is a phenomenon related to the development level of societies. Although the leather industry is known as being a polluting sector, it can be converted to a more environmental friendly state by amendment of current technology, development and uses of new technologies for leather processes and treatment systems, minimizing and utilizing of wastes by establishing a better waste management system.
In this symposium, new developments in leather processes, environmental issues and innovations on treatment systems in leather industry will be presented comprehensively. Furthermore, scientific and technical issues will be discussed by means of sectoral approaches and the image of the sector and its relations with environment and public health will be debated and it will be instructed about the applications of the developments in this field. 
Also in this symposium it has been aimed to share the information by transmitting the results of the researches made in universities, research institutes and other scientific institutions, the information and experience obtained by the research and applications in the industry. Another purpose of the symposium is to create a synergy after the presentations and discussions, which may help to increase the environmental consciousness of the leather sector and improve the industrial applications by present science/knowledge and technology. The organizers are inviting everybody who is interested in the stated issues to participate the symposium including oral and poster presentations, invited speakers, workshops and company exhibitions.
Deadline for submission of abstracts and pre application form is December 15, 2008.
Notification of abstract approval will be February 15, 2009, with full paper acceptance on March 15, 2009. The symposium will be held in Turkish and English.
1. General: The papers should be prepared with the main titles of; title of the paper, summary in Turkish or English, introduction, material and method, results and discussions, conclusions and references. All titles should be bold.
2. Abstract: Should be written with the font size of 10pt, times new roman and single line spacing, and 3-5 keywords should be given.
3. Text: Should be written with the format of A4 paper by using Microsoft Word or compatible software. The margins are; 3 cm to the top and to the bottom, 2.5 cm to the left and the right edge and 1.5 cm gutter from left. A font size of 12pt with times new roman type and 1.5 line spacing for the main text is required.
4. Title of the Paper: Should be 14pt centered upper letter case; the names and surnames of the authors should be written with 10pt upper case and the speaker name should be underlined  Double line spacing should be put between the title, authors, addresses and text.
5. The papers should be posted with 3 copies and a CD and also e-mailed in an attachment file as Microsoft Word document to the symposium secretary.
6. The literature list in the references should be alphabetized in an order of author-date format and numbered before the authors. The cites to the references should be made by given numbers.
7. The scientific responsibilities of the papers belong to the authors.
8. The posters should be prepared with the size of 100×70 cm. Also to be published in the symposium book, the poster text should be prepared with the given format and should be posted or e-mailed to the symposium secretary before the deadline.
The fee for the symposium is 50 euros for those giving papers and 60 euros for other participants, rising to 70 euros after March 1, 2009.
For payments from Turkiye : Türkiye Garanti Bankası, Ege Üniversitesi, Account name: I.Uluslararası Deri Mühendisleri Sempozyumu Account number: 524/9095981.
For international payments: Türkiye Garanti Bankası, Ege Üniversitesi, Account name: I.Uluslararası Deri Mühendisleri Sempozyumu; Swift code: TGBATISXXX; Account number: 9095981; IBAN: TR40 0006 2000 5240 0009 0959 81.
Payment should be sent to the symposium secretary by e-mail, mail or fax. Application for the symposium can be done on the official symposium web-page. The symposium CD, bag, participant card, the certificate and lunches are included in the registration price.
For more information contact the Symposium Secretary at Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Leather Engineering Department, 35100, Bornova-IZMIR-TURKIYE; Tel: +90 232 3884000/2644; Fax: +90 232 3425376; e-mail:; Web: