Product North America & Latin America
Butyl Acrylate US$0.10 per pound
Ethyl Acrylate US$0.10 per pound
Glacial Acrylic Acid US$0.10 per pound
2-Ethyl Hexyl Acrylate US$0.10 per pound
Methyl Acrylate US$0.10 per pound
Glacial Methacrylic Acid US$0.15 per pound
Hydroxy Ethyl Acrylate US$0.15 per pound
Hydroxy Propyl Acrylate US$0.15 per pound
Hydroxy Ethyl Methacrylate US$0.15 per pound
Hydroxy Propyl Methacrylate US$0.15 per pound

List pricing for the four hydroxy products will also be increased by U.S.$0.15 per pound.  List pricing will not be increased for any of the other products.
Dow Performance Monomers Announces Price Increases effective January 1st. These increases are necessitated by the continuous cost escalation of key raw materials, primarily propylene, acetone, and ammonia.