The 17th panel was formally opened by Girma Birru, Ethiopian minister of trade and industry in which he urged delegates to assist Ethiopia continue to develop it’s leather and leather products industries. ‘To increase exports of leather and leather products, particularly footwear, we need to improve our raw material quality, make the Ethiopian leather technology institute a world-class institution and assist Ethiopian tanneries reduce their environmental impact and waste’, Birru said in his opening address.

The four-day panel includes a two-day conference followed by visits to the All African Leather Fair which begins on January 20 in Addis Ababa and a day visit to local tanneries and footwear factories.

Aurelia Calabro-Bellamoli, Unido senior industrial development officer and Ivan Kral, Unido industrial development officer – leather industry, both presented an overview of current Unido projects taking place in both Ethiopia and Bangladesh. ‘We are taking a ‘top-down’ pull approach in Ethiopia starting downstream by improving the domestic footwear sector. This in turns forces the Ethiopian tanners to improve leather quality and ultimately enhance raw material quality’, Aurelia Calabro, told the panel.

Ivan Kral outlined the objectives of the panel which is to provide governments and institutions feedback and information on good practice in the leather and leather products industries to enhance the leather industry in developing countries such as Ethiopia.

The panel heard several other presentations during the afternoon session and the 17th industry panel will continue on January 19.