The LWG gold award is the highest possible classification and acknowledged by well-known brands such as Adidas, Timberland, Ikea, North Face and many other leather users, processors and suppliers.
In order to achieve this rating, not only the manufacturing system is audited regarding the environmental impact and protection but also the complete production process, use and handling of chemicals, sustainability, waste management, social standards and much more.
Thomas Strebost, managing director of both companies comments: ‘We have taken up the challenge of this audit because it is, as far as we know, unique to define standards together with potential customers in this form and to have a worldwide standardised way of comparison.’
‘All our efforts regarding the environmental protection, such as an own water treatment park, a sludge dryer, heat provision by our own biogas plant as well as most modern production facilities combined with high social and ethical standards added up and have led to the award. We are very proud of having achieved gold status.’
In the past 15 years the company have invested a total of 7.5 million euro in environmental improvements.