However, Leather International has now been informed that the local authorities have accepted revised proposals, and have listened to the opinions of tanners and the CLIA to re-evaluate the design of effluent treatment plant (ETP) at the proposed tannery cluster.

The revised ETP sets stricter and higher standards on wastewater treatment and sludge disposal required by the local government. Currently, the China National Leather Research Institute is undertaking the re-evaluation. Once both the research institute and local government approve the redesign of ETP, the authorities will select those tanneries that can meet standard of wastewater treatment to set up tanneries in the cluster. The authorities have also stated that they will restrict the number of tanneries in the cluster.

International tanning groups such as Tyche were in the process of constructing new plants at the Chihu cluster when the local government in the province halted construction last year.