Modacalzado + Iberpiel took place between September 24 – 26 in halls 8 and 10 of the Feria de Madrid. The final visitor number figure represents a 5% increase compared to the last edition held in March of this year, equalling the number of visitors who attended the September show last year.
The number of foreign professionals attending the fair increased by 6%. At this edition, the fair organisers organised a buyers programme, based on the support of the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute (ICEX) and the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid. This programme enabled the show to attract representatives from a series of outstanding establishments and distribution chains in Malaysia, the Middle East, Russia, the Ukraine and other Eastern European countries.
This edition of Modacalzado + Iberpiel featured the participation of a total of 305 companies and more than 700 Spanish and foreign brands. These high levels of participation made Feria de Madrid an ideal venue for professionals to discover the latest new ideas in footwear and leather goods for next spring/summer 2011. The collections at the fair were presented by a series of important brands from the industry, including Pons Quintana, Magrit, Chie Mihara, Paco Gil, Castañer, Jaime Mascaró, Pura López and Rebeca Sanver, among others.
The fair featured the participation of some 76 new exhibitors and the attendance of 160 brands that were not present at the September 2009 edition. This figure could indicate a certain recovery for an industry that, edition after edition, relies on the fair in order to provide an insight into its current state of health.