During the Hong Kong meeting, it was agreed that it would benefit the leather industry to have available further clarification of the differences between Cr III and Cr VI for the general public and to develop a document with guidelines for tannery use showing how Cr III can be used in a safe and practical way to prevent Cr VI from forming in leather. This document would be published in name of GLCC and prepared by the IULTCS.
The issue of restrictions on preserving agents used by leather industry was raised. GLCC will consider developing a ‘white list’ of approved substances used as preserving agents during leather manufacture.
An update was provided on a project related to the identity of leather – the first phase being to collect and share national, regional, and international rules and regulations on definitions, labelling and marking of leather. Hides, skins, and leather product certifications were also discussed and it was agreed to continue collaboration on this as a global project.
The next meeting of GLCC is tentatively scheduled for September 19 in Paris.