PrimeAsia China’s 3rd gold reaccreditation is due to PrimeAsia’s focus on saving energy, reducing water usage, and increasing environmental management. Between PrimeAsia China’s 2010 and 2012 LWG audits its energy usage decreased by 6.6%, solvent usage decreased by 41%, and fresh water usage decreased by 21.1% per square metre of leather manufactured. The LWG environmental protocol continues to raise the requirements to attain gold, and thus, it is a major achievement to attain a LWG gold standing. PrimeAsia China strives to uphold PrimeAsia’s progressive environmental goals and further advance global environmental stewardship.

The LWG auditing protocol is updated and advanced through the input of tanners, shoe brands, and chemical company members. PrimeAsia was a founding member of the LWG, which was founded in 2005 to promote sustainable practices within the leather industry.